Here are some of the more frequently asked questions we receive. See if these help answer your remaining cord blood banking questions.
The Securacell staff will do everything we can to make this process as simple and efficient as possible. Having the collection kit early in the pregnancy lessens the anxiety for the delivering mother. In case of early delivery, it is best to be prepared with the kit on hand.
The health and wellbeing of mom and baby are the number one priority. If your caregiver states that he/she cannot collect cord blood due to a medical condition or emergency, Securacell reimburses all monies paid toward processing and storage, no questions asked.
In the event you do not have a kit and still wish to collect your baby’s cord blood call us night or day. Our clinicians will assist your health care team in collecting your baby’s cord blood using another method.
Securacell will send you your baby’s cord blood collection kit prior to delivery. The kit contains all the necessary medical supplies needed to collect, package, and ship your baby’s cord blood. Our educational staff of experience labor and delivery nurses will contact your doctor or midwife and hospital as needed to provide them with cord blood collection instructions. We also have clinicians available 24 hours a day to assist you and your healthcare team during this important time.
After the delivery of your baby, the umbilical cord is clamped and cut. Your newborn is no longer attached to the umbilical cord. The remaining blood, which is normally discarded, is collected using the patented PALL cord blood collection bag. In preparation to collect your baby’s cord blood, the umbilical cord is cleaned with the enclosed Chloraprep swab to prevent bacterial and fungal contamination. The needle attached to the end of the PALL blood bag is then inserted into the umbilical cord. The blood flows by gravity into the collection bag. The entire process takes less than 10 minutes. This procedure is safe, painless, and does not harm you or your baby.
Our cord blood collection bag was specifically designed as a sterile system for the most efficient collection of your baby’s cord blood. Our cord blood collection device is approved by the Food and Drug Administration as a cord blood collection device.
After your baby’s cord blood has been collected, call Securacell night or day. We will arrange for your baby’s cord blood to be picked up and delivered to the lab for you.
Our lab currently has the following credentials:
- Food and Drug Administration Registration – FDA
- Accreditation by American Association of Blood Banks – AABB
- Clinical Laboratory Improvements Amendments – CLIA
- Cord Blood Procurement
- Cord Blood Processing
In addition, all of Securacell’s cord blood banking kit products are approved for use for cord blood banking and storage by the FDA.
These regulations assure clients that Securacell is collecting, processing, and storing their baby’s cord blood stem cells according to the most current standards of practice and technology available.