Umbilical cord tissue is proving to be an invaluable resource. It contains stem cells that provide healing potential unique from cord blood stem cells. Umbilical cord tissue is proving to be an invaluable resource which is easily collected after the birth of your baby. Cord tissue, also referred to as Wharton’s Jelly, includes nearly all of the tissue from the cord itself. The umbilical cord tissue is the protective material which surrounds the umbilical blood vessels where cord blood and cord blood stem cells are derived.  It’s within the protective umbilical cord tissue that we find valuable mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs).

Mesenchymal stem cells provide healing potential unique from that of cord blood stem cells. MSCs provide the ability for regenerative treatments by releasing growth factors as well as an ability to be reprogrammed into a number of different cell types. Researchers have already been able to program these cells to generate brain, muscle, and other cellular tissues.

Umbilical Cord Tissue Research

Researchers are starting to see remarkable potential in the use of mesenchymal stem cell treatment. These cord tissue stem cells have been featured in clinical research across the following fields:

  • Alzheimer’s Disease Treatment.
  • Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis.
  • Arthritis (Multiple Forms).
  • Cardiomyopathy.
  • Chronic Wound Care Treatment.
  • Diabetes (Type II).
  • Ligament & Tendon Injuries.
  • Liver Fibrosis.
  • Lung Cancer.
  • Multiple Sclerosis.
  • Parkinson’s Disease.
  • Spinal Injuries.
  • Stroke Treatment.
  • The list goes on and the potential continues to grow with each clinical study.

Due to the nature of research, this list is constantly expanding. Storing cord tissue is the only way to ensure you take advantage of this once in a lifetime opportunity.

Should I Store My Baby’s Cord Tissue

It’s perfectly reasonable to have questions. We firmly believe in the importance of storing your baby’s cord blood and cord tissue. Give us a call and we can talk you through the process. Finally, if you are ready to get started, then great – we can help get you everything required to make the process simple.

Contact one of our healthcare professionals today to learn more about this advanced miracle of science!