Cord Blood Stem Cell Banking Laboratory
We are accredited by the AABB, CLIA, and licensed by the states of NY and NJ to process, test, and store cord blood.
Our lab employs experts in the field of cryogenics and cellular biology. As a cord blood bank and medical professionals, we are committed to providing expectant families and their caregivers the highest quality and most conscientious laboratory service available.

How Cord Blood and Tissue are Collected
When you enroll with Securacell, your baby’s account and future samples are immediately assigned a unique identifier bar code. Once the sample is collected we arrange for your baby’s cord blood (and tissue if you elect this option) sample to be picked up and delivered to the lab where processing begins.
Securacell will send your baby’s cord blood collection kit to you prior to delivery. The kit contains all the necessary medical supplies needed to collect, package, and ship your baby’s cord blood and tissue. Our educational staff of experienced labor and delivery nurses will contact your doctor or midwife and hospital as needed to provide them with cord blood collection instructions. We also have clinicians available 24 hours a day to assist you and your healthcare team during this important time.
Post Delivery
After the delivery of your baby, the umbilical cord is clamped and cut. Your newborn is no longer attached to the umbilical cord. The remaining blood, which is normally discarded, is collected using the patented PALL cord blood collection bag. In preparation to collect your baby’s cord blood, the umbilical cord is cleaned with the enclosed Chloraprep swab to prevent bacterial and fungal contamination. The needle attached to the end of the FDA approved PALL blood bag is then inserted into the umbilical cord. The blood flows by gravity into the collection bag. The entire process takes less than 10 minutes. This procedure is safe, painless, and does not harm you or your baby.
Our cord blood collection bag was specifically designed as a sterile system for the most efficient collection of your baby’s cord blood. Our cord blood collection device is approved by the Food and Drug Administration as a cord blood collection device.
If you have elected to have your baby’s cord tissue collected as well, after the cord blood is collected, a 4″ to 8″ segment of cord is cut and placed into a sterile specimen cup for safe transport to the lab.
After your baby’s samples have been collected, call Securacell night or day. We will arrange for your baby’s cord blood and cord tissue to be picked up and delivered to the lab for you.
How Cord Blood and Tissue and Processed and Stored
Once the cord blood and tissue arrives at our laboratory, the samples are assigned to a technician who will see the processing and cryopreservation through to completion.
Upon enrollment, your baby’s collection kit was assigned a unique identifying sample ID and account number. Before your baby’s samples are placed into long term storage, the sample is bar coded for information and logistics management.
Our customers’ private health information is held in the strictest confidence at all times and according to HIPAA regulations.
Volume Reduction for Cord Blood – Red Cell Depletion
Once the stem cells are separated from the red blood cells and plasma, they are placed into a multiple individual vials in preparation for freezing and storage. Separating your baby’s stem cells from the whole blood collected at delivery is the industry standard. This process produces cells with greater viability than cells stored in whole blood.
The multiple vials stores your baby’s sample in separate samples. Storing your baby’s cord blood stem cells in a multiple vials allows for the potential future option of using the sample more than one time. Your baby’s stem cell sample is processed using a closed system therefore preventing contamination.
Cord Tissue Processing & Preparation
The umbilical cord tissue segment is processed by removing any arteries and/or veins. The segment is separated into small sections and placed into multiple vials for long term storage.
Your baby’s cord blood stem cell sample and tissue sample is then sent to the first stage of the cryopreservation process which is a computer controlled slow-rate introduction to the freezing process.
The computer controlled slow freezing rate is an additional step designed to protect the cord blood stem cells. The progression to lower and lower temperatures helps the cells adjust safely while going from room temperature to the extreme negative temperature of -196° Celsius.
Next, your baby’s sample is placed in our liquid nitrogen tanks where they remain for potential future use.
Your cord blood sample will be tested for bacterial and fungal contamination when it arrives at the lab. Maternal blood is tested for viral disease markers as recommended by current regulatory agencies.
Additionally, your baby’s stem cells are secure at our state-of-the-art storage facility which is monitored 24 hours a day with high tech alarm systems and backup generators.