The State of Stem Cell Disease Treatments – Where Are We Today?
Cord blood stem cell treatment has come a long way, especially in the fields of blood disorders, regenerative medicine, and disease treatment. Further, the number of overall clinical studies evaluating stem cell therapies now numbers in the hundreds.
In many cases, the treatments offer a less invasive replacement to traditional bone marrow transplants. They also offer a much lower risk of host rejection compared to marrow transplants.
Check out the following table for a more comprehensive look at the treatments in place today. First we’ll look at treatments where cord blood from a brother or sister was used (allogeneic). Then we will look at treatments derived directly from a patient’s own stem cells (autologous).
Allogeneic Stem Cell Treatments in Place Today

Autologous Stem Cell Treatments in Place Today

Stem Cell Clinical Trials Under Review

Stem Cell Clinical Case Studies
Sometimes the best way to understand the progress being made in stem cell research is to look closer at some of the studies taking place. It provides a deeper understanding of the approaches and solutions that scientists are coming up with on a routine basis.
Case Study # 1: Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Case Study # 2: Stem Cell Stroke Therapy
Case Study # 3: Alzheimer’s Disease